Friday, 20 March 2009

Obama on Leno: Irresistible Charmer 2.0

Checked out Obama's appearance on the 'Tonight' show - was surprised to find myself in full charmed mode by Mr Prez - and anyone who knows me personally is reading this as the fairly heretical statement it is (NB must let them know that no one's broken into my account - yet...)

Was just me, though, or did he seem almost 'too' comfortable holding court on television with the old master Leno?  From his first acknowledgement of applause, I was struck on how poised he was with the joking schtick - even though granted, it wasn't as if it were 'Meet The Press' (RIP Tim Russert, but I digress...).

Still, fairly enjoyable viewing... my internal jury's still out on the merits of a sitting POTUS going on the talk show circuit, talking about the Tar Heels taking the NCAA Championships and the skills required of prepubescent girls in the art of Starburst distribution, but at least he had the whole leadership and common sense vibe working for him.  Not sure about that 90% tax bit on AIG bonuses, though - Leno really did well to voice a concern on the US Govt doing something like that - as they say, today's exception becomes tomorrow's precedent... but hey, it's only been 59 days... I'll give him to at least 80 before I load up on the slings and arrows.  PS POTUS - Don't let another AIG go past your desk in the meantime.  I'm just sayin'.

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