Thursday, 11 June 2009

Leave Your #followFriday Stress Behind!

Another Friday is upon us. Even as I type this, thousands of people are constructing their #followFriday recommendations - indeed, the Antipodeans are already sending theirs out. While I love the 'lurve' coursing through the TwitterVerse, it can be a hectic gig. Especially with some of our more Twitterly Correct Police making suggestions on how best to recommend folks, while well intentioned, that actually only makes it worse because people are anxious not to offend people with their recs. 

Recently my good friend @MisterNoodle decided to discontinue the FollowFriday practice altogether. And truth be told, I can't blame him. I've taken to recommending people often throughout the week with the following hashtags (all have been created by me except where indicated):

#FastFollowFive (@RickBakas/@MisterNoodle)
#SlickFollowSix (@StuBakerComedy)

I'll append a #FF to it if I feel like it, but it's not a mandatory thing.

And to those who would ask 'Why am I recommending them?', I say 'Because I do'. I really think it's a bit rude to ask people to justify recommendations. That I do should be enough, and with these numeric limits per hashtag, it should be easy to just look up bios and determine whether or not you want to follow.

Be advised: this may not be for you if your goal is to drive up follow numbers. Once I realised that I couldn't give the proverbial rat's backside, then it all made sense. The clouds parted, and I released my anguish.

Nowadays, I no longer dread Fridays. They've gone back to being the Death of the Week, as God intended, an event to look forward to - not another WorkDay to fret over.

Try these or make up your own - and register them at Tagalus (


  1. Personally, I am tired of the noise of FollowFriday and think it's SO non-productive because it's more about popularity... but you know that...

    I like your hashtags and will look for them...

  2. If you're *ARE* going to list 50++ odd people then I think you need to group the people together in order to justify your recommendation, but for a standard FF that fits into 1 or 2 tweets then I agree about no need for justification.

    I prefer Recognizing a good Tweeter with a RT, if what they have said is of interest then its worth a RT and probably gives much better results than a FF.

    A quick tweet to introduce a NEW tweeter to the group can be good way.
